Monday, September 22, 2008

Remember the 60's? They Sucked

Anybody who feels nostalgic about the 60's either wasn't old enough to remember them or went through in a substance induced haze. Here are the autobiographical reasons I don't like that decade.

When I was:

In first grade, the world came within snake-bite range of thermonuclear war.
In second grade, the president of the United States was murdered.
In third grade the Vietnam War got good and started.
In sixth grade we had the trifecta; Tet, plus the murders of MLK and RFK.

I remember:

Duck and cover.
Seeing Oswald shot on live TV.
Watching the Thurday morning body counts on the Today show.
Scenes of crowds and tear-gas so often I couldn't keep track of where, when or who.

It seemed like the only happiness was in my family life at home.

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