Monday, July 30, 2007

Feed Me Bloglines Feed me

I had no idea what RSS was till this lesson. It does make keeping track of your blogs quicker and more sane.

I signed up for Bloglines and get feeds from seven sources now. Among them are: one political, one sports, one hobby related and a couple from Flickr friends. I'll probably add a few more from time to time.

Monday, July 23, 2007

My Trading Card

My creation
Originally uploaded by thornsberryrobert
Guaranteed to cause embarassment. Of course, John will be jealous.

Friday, July 20, 2007


Originally uploaded by Gen Kanai

Now let's see if I can get this to work.


Jelly fishing!

Jelly fishing!

Jelly Fishing!

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Getting Faced

Well, I'm in Facebook now. I must say, after a couple of months in MySpace, that I probably should have tried the former earlier. It seems much more my style.

Monday, July 16, 2007

Has the Internet Changed the Way Law is Thought About?

The introduction of the West Digest and Key-Number system in the late nineteenth century not only gave organization to how American law was researched, it influenced how the law was even thought about. It is debated to this day whether it also provided blinders or even a straight-jacket.

Computer-based legal research was celebrated as being liberating. Looking back over the last two-plus decades, was it?