Friday, November 30, 2007

A Tagging We Shall Go

Well, for this one I decided to search Edgar Allen Poe, since we're on the topic of Poets. Google brought up 2,750,000 hits. Wow! I think I would need to refine that a tidge. Using EQuest keyword brought up 14. I think I could manage that. EQuest author brought 124. Of course on these latter two I was searching for books only. Still, I would have thought the keyword would have yeilded more than 14 books.

I can see a parallel between taging and cataloging, however, I'm not familiar enough with the history to know if tagging is a reinvention. I suspect it is.

I already did some tagging in Library Thing. It was kind of entertaining seeing how the comparative sizes changed when I added a new book. I guess I'm easily amused.